I've finally found my new church home. East Calhoun Church is what I've been looking for these last few years.
It may be hard for some people to understand, but I believe that God has a calling on everyone. But, they need to be in the right place to be fed spiritually. Some churches are just not what feeds our spirit and leave us feeling empty, not inspired. This is just because we are all different. We have preferences for different types of preaching, singing, worship, etc. I knew that I would find what I was looking for eventually, but had randomly church-hopped and still not found it.
Now, I have and I feel peace.
My children had fun in their children's programs. They were happy to be there and excited about what they had done and learned. They look forward to going back! J.T. even went with me and handled the Pentecostal aspect of it very well. Although, I believe he would have bolted for the door if the Pastor had tried to lay hands on him. (teehee!)
I am even encouraging him to go to the Men's Conference. I told him I would pay the $30 so he could go and have a mini-vacation. I think he is considering it, though he is terrified that all the men will do is speak in tongues and try to slay him in the spirit, rofl. I'll keep working on it (Help, God!).
If J.T. became a Christian, I don't know what I would do. I would probably be the happiest woman on the face of the earth.
Just thought I would share. And if anyone would like to hear some great teaching, please visit East Calhoun Church's Website and click on the media link to see what I'm talking about.
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